Events & Webinars

Network. Learn. Advance your Health System.

June 09, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET

Enhancing clinical and financial performance with analytics

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Wise Health System needed easily accessible data insights to resolve their disconnected processes, overcome operational barriers, and improve clinical outcomes – leading them to seek out smart solutions and best practice guidance. In this webinar, find out the results they were able to achieve.
June 06 - 08, 2022

CEO Exchange

The decisions that health system CEOs must make today are fraught with more risk than ever before. To be an effective CEO today takes research and review, and the shared insight of a group of CEO peers. Our CEO Exchange is an invitation-only event that brings together top leaders across the country.
Silverado Resort & Spa - Napa Valley, CA
May 24, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET

Strategies to Improve Physician Efficiency and Productivity

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Physician burnout and staffing shortages are still severe, with an uphill climb to recover from COVID-19, hire adequate staff, drive revenue, and provide quality care. Join us for a panel discussion where we will discuss strategies to improve physician efficiency and productivity.
May 11, 2022, 12:00 PM - 03:15 PM ET

Nursing NOW

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David Marshall JD, DNP, RN, FAAN, Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Executive, Cedars Sinai
Shannon Pengel, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Chief Nursing Officer, Cleveland Clinic
Phyllis Doulaveris, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, Senior Vice President Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, Banner Health
Wyndy Looney, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CPMP, Clinical Executive of Health, Learning Research & Practice, Wolters Kluwer
Carol Davis (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders

Laureen G. Jones, MSN, BA, RN, APRN-CNS, AGCNS-BC, PCCN, Clinical Nurse Specialist—Critical Care Nursing, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Jacalyn Buck, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, Chief Nursing Officer, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Hunter J. Jefferis, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, Nurse Manager | 10 MICU, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Eileen R. Faulds, PhD, MS, RN, FNP-BC, CDCES, Assistant Professor, Center for Healthy Aging, Self-Management, and Complex Care, Ohio State University College of Nursing/Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Join us for Nursing NOW on May 11, 2022, starting at 12:00 PM EST. These dynamic, executive and editorial-led panels will discuss multiple topics facing nursing leaders in 2022, and hear from a multitude of speakers from different hospitals and health systems across the country. Save your seat!
April 27, 2022, 11:00 AM - 01:10 PM ET

Patient Financial Experience NOW

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Katherine Cardwell, Vice President, Revenue Cycle, Ochsner Health, Louisiana
Heather Kawamoto, Vice President, Product Strategy, Waystar

Allyson Bonner Keller, FACHE, Executive Director of Patient Connection, Piedmont Health
Sean Ahlum, AVP, Innovation Solutions, Inovalon

Chris Johnson, Vice President, Revenue Cycle Management Atrium Health
Chris Cox, Senior Vice President, Product, Strategy & Operations, iVita Financial

Join us for one of our new online summits, Patient Financial Experience NOW. These dynamic, executive, and editorial-led panels will discuss multiple topics facing the patient financial experience in 2022. This online summit will explore, improving the experience and overall patient satisfaction.
March 30, 2022, 10:00 AM - 01:15 PM ET

Technology NOW

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Jeff Johnson, VP of Innovation and Digital Business at Banner Health
Eyal Shemesh, M.D., Chief, Division of Behavioral and Developmental Health, Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hospital
Bilal Naved, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, Clearstep

Josh Wilda, Chief Digital & Innovation Officer

David Houghton, Medical Director of Digital Health, Ochsner Health
Blake Marggraff, CEO, CareSignal
Brandi Clark, Vice President of Digital Care, OSF Healthcare

Event Moderator: Eric Wicklund, Senior Technology Editor, HealthLeaders

Join us for our upcoming Technology NOW Online Summit. These dynamic, Executive and Editorial led panels will discuss multiple topics facing the healthcare industry in 2022. This online summit will explore, patient engagement platforms, artificial intelligence for improving care management, & more!
February 24, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET

How Hospital Hacks Happen

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This webinar will increase awareness of the existing cyber threat that faces hospitals today. As the threat continues to evolve, the impact is not just reputational or financial – it's life-threatening and hospitals need to be prepared if (or when) a breach occurs. Register today!
February 23, 2022, 10:00 AM - 01:15 PM ET

Payer NOW

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Shawna Dodds, MBA, VP, Product Development, Cigna
John Jesser, General Manager, Population Health, AmWell
Ricardo Johnson, SVP of Corporate Development, CEO, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Healthworx

Lori Beerman, Moderator, HealthLeaders

Josh Weiner, President & CEO, Solutionreach
Chris Day, President, Value-Based Solutions, Anthem

John Jesser, General Manager, Population Health, AmWell
Brian Wheeler, Vice President, Provider Collaboration & Network Transformation, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield


Join us for our upcoming Payer NOW Online Summit. These dynamic, Executive and Editorial led panels will discuss multiple topics facing the healthcare industry in 2022. This online summit will explore, virtual-first care, expanding benefits, and integrating telehealth & value-based care.
February 16, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET

Securing the Healthcare Enterprise in ‘The New Normal’

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Healthcare organizations are placing more emphasis on the integration of in-person and virtual care. With those changes come challenges associated with protecting healthcare data and ensuring privacy and security. This panel discussion will take a look at how the pandemic has changed cybersecurity.
February 02, 2022, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM ET

Quantifying the Clinical and Financial Impact of Inappropriate Ordering: A deep dive into the provider ordering patterns that affect laboratory utilization

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The laboratory and lab test results support up to 70% of clinical decisions. However, many labs are at risk of financial insolvency spurred by inappropriately ordered testing. In this webinar, we will explore laboratory-ordering data and identify opportunities to improve efficiency. Register today!
January 26, 2022, 10:00 AM - 01:15 PM ET

Social Determinants of Health NOW

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Rachel Krausman, Vice President, Strategy and Partnership, Social Determinants of Health, ProMedica
Carolyn Salsgiver, Vice President of Community Health Equity, Yale-New Haven Health
Chris Cheney (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders  

Greg Norman, Director of Community Health, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health Kate Sommerfeld, President, Social Determinants of Health, ProMedica
Jerome Williams Jr., MD, MBA, SVP of consumer engagement, Novant Health
Chris Cheney (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders

Darcey Cobbs Lomax, Director, Community Health and Equity, Yale-New Haven Health
Amanda Mihalko, Director, Social Determinants of Health, Allegheny Health Network
Chris Cheney (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders

Join us for our upcoming Social Determinants of Health NOW Online Summit. These dynamic, Executive and Editorial led panels will discuss multiple topics facing the healthcare industry in 2022. This online summit will explore, health partnering, health investing, and health assessment. Sign up today!
January 19, 2022, 10:00 AM - 01:25 PM ET

Industry Outlook NOW


Rachit Thariani, Chief Administrative Officer, Wexner Medical Center
Peter Schoch, MD, SVP Population Health CFD | President AHPN Central Florida | CMO Integrated Health Services, Advent Health
Melanie Blackman (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders

Todd Czartoski, MD, Chief Medical Technology Officer, Providence Health System
Steven J. Hess, Chief Information Officer, UCHealth
Eric Wicklund (Moderator), Senior Technology Editor, HealthLeaders

Trenda Ray, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, Associate Vice Chancellor for Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, University of Arkansas for Medical Services
Kim Mullen, MSN, RN, Director Nursing Professional Development, Research and Magnet Program Director, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Michelle Romano, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, SSM Health-Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
Carol Davis (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders

Join us for our upcoming Industry Outlook NOW Online Summit. These dynamic, Executive and Editorial led panels will discuss multiple topics facing the healthcare industry in 2022. This online summit will explore, value-based care, care coordination and the patient experience, and more!
December 09, 2021, 10:00 AM - 04:25 PM ET

Workforce NOW

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Dr. Robert Bart, CMIO, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Cheryl Reinking, CNO, El Camino Health

Mike Biselli, Senior Vice President, Evangelist, Olive

Carol Davis (Moderator), Editor, HealthLeaders


Matt Bragstad, Vice President and Head of Healthcare Vision, Infor

Joanna White, MSN, MBA, NEA-BC, RN, Clinical Solution Consultant, Infor Healthcare

Tory Simpson NP-C, MSN, BSN, Senior Development Analyst, Infor Healthcare

Marcus Mossberger, Head of Marketing, Infor Healthcare


Christopher Comma, Executive Director, Human Resources, Stanford Children's


Darryl Robinson, Chief Human Resources Officer, CommonSpirit

Tracey Pierce, Senior Vice President, Learning and Organization Development and HR Strategic Outreach, CommonSpirit Health

Join us for our latest Workforce event discussing multiple topics including streamlining healthcare operations to address burnout, and more!
November 30, 2021, 10:00 AM - 12:05 PM ET

Revenue Cycle NOW

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Ward Svarvari, MBA, Vice President | National Healthcare Executive, CommerceHealthcare®
Mary Wickersham, Vice President-Patient Financial Services, Avera Health
Alexandra Pecci (Moderator), Revenue Cycle Editor, HealthLeaders

Adelaide M. La Rosa, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCDS-O, Vice President HIM/CDI/DRG Appeals/EMPI, Catholic Health 

Brian Dessoy, Head of Operations, Accuity
Dr. Hani Judeh, Chief Medical Officer, Accuity
Mary McGrady, MSN, RN, CCDS, Vice President of CDI Services, Accuity

The past year has been challenging for revenue cycle executives as they juggle the demands of the ever-changing revenue cycle environment. Join our dynamic panel of revenue cycle leaders as they discuss payment strategies to enhance the patient experience and how to prevent missed revenue.
November 30 - December 01, 2021

CNO Exchange

Our CNO Exchange is an invitation-only event for a selected group of these healthcare leaders, who spend two days at a five-star location enjoying in-depth conversation, activities, and stress-free networking.
Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa
November 18, 2021, 10:00 AM - 12:05 PM ET

Supply Chain NOW

Sponsored by: 

Melissa Amell, Director of Healthcare Strategy-Supply Chain, Infor
LeAnn Born, Vice President of Supply Chain, Fairview Health Services
Erika Randall (Moderator), Manager, Content, HealthLeaders

Christine Torres, System Vice President of Supply Chain and Biomedical Engineering, Main Line Health

This educational event provides insights from leading supply chain executives at renowned health systems about how supply procurement has changed as a result of the pandemic and why resilience tactics are more important than ever.
November 17, 2021, 10:00 AM - 02:15 PM ET

Technology NOW

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Dr. Mark Pratt, Chief Medical Officer, Allscripts Hospital and Health Systems
Paul Coyne, DNP, MBA, MS, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, Assistant Vice President, Clinical Practice & Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at HSS
Eric Wicklund (Moderator), Senior Technology Editor, HealthLeaders

Keith Shah, PhD, MBA, FACHE, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Growth, Optum
K. R. Prabha, Vice President, Strategy, Growth & Innovation, Optum

Bill Manzie, Administrative Director of Telehealth Strategy, Memorial Healthcare System

Tony Brancato, EVP & GM of Cybernetics

The pandemic launched a new era for healthcare technologies. Hospitals, health systems, and physician practice organizations are now taking the next steps, seeking ways to create greater efficiencies and designing human-centered EHR, , digital-first organizations, and other technologies.
November 03, 2021, 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM ET

Health System of the Future

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Connect with healthcare executives from across the country to engage in candid, solution-focused discussions about what they envision for the healthcare system moving forward. Developed collaboratively with you, this high-impact event is also the basis of content pieces released to our audience.
