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Oh, Baby!

 |  By HealthLeaders Media Staff  
   October 29, 2008

Emerson Hospital in Concord, MA, recently delivered a bundle of joy: $280,000 for its OB services. The facility is in the midst of a $36 million construction project called Project SCORE (Surgical Center, Obstetric and Radiology Expansion). "This project will add new space, renovate existing space, and include sophisticated imaging and surgical technology," said Christine Schuster, Emerson's president and CEO, during the groundbreaking. "In the process, we will improve the efficiency of how care is provided."

During the project, the team at Emerson has reached out to prospective donors and played up the service line areas that would benefit from the expansion with fundraising events. Though many events were planned and executed, one event in particular, the "Oh, Baby! Fundraiser," a ball benefiting Emerson's birthing center, received a particularly positive response.

"The Oh, Baby event was one in particular that was very visible within the community, fun, and successful," says Jack Dresser, vice president for development for Emerson.

What made the event such a success? Marketing materials that went out to the community included invites, posters, raffle cards, and save the date cards. The event was also advertised with pre-event press releases circulated to all local newspapers.

But advertising alone didn't attract members of the community to the event. Emerson Hospital committee members encouraged table buys and members of the Emerson staff took on a special role: tour guide.

"Assistance from the medical staff in the OB areas was tremendously helpful to our success," Dresser says. "In addition to the ball, the staff also took prospective donors around to show them the space undergoing renovation. They made sure the prospect would be treated well, which was instrumental in our success."

The event was a sellout, netting more than $280,000 for the project.

Kandace McLaughlin Doyle is an editor with HealthLeaders magazine. Send her Campaign Spotlight ideas at If you are a marketer submitting a campaign on behalf of your facility or client, please ensure you have permission before doing so.

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