MedPage Today
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Hospital Teaching Status Not a Factor in IBD Treatment Costs
Care intensity greater at teaching hospitals, but sicker patients are the reason
VA Grapples With Issue of Veteran Suicide
'Not all of this is about mental health,' said top VA official.
Healthcare Labor Unions Flex Their Muscles
Recent events spotlight concerns about caring for underserved, VA staffing
Don't Just Blame Drug Companies for the Opioid Crisis
Expert says the healthcare system 'left an opening for industry, and they took the opening.'
Trump Administration Revs Up Push for Medicaid Block Grants
Budget proposal lauds block grants as 'the only way to reform Medicaid.'
ER Visits Rise for Kids Who Consider Suicide
The annual estimated visits to EDs for suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in 2007 was 580,000 for children, which jumped...
Senators Seek Answers From HHS Chief on ACA Reforms, Title X Funds
Organ allocation, unaccompanied minors also discussed at appropriations hearing.
Population Health Trends to Watch, Trends to Question in 2019
Healthcare organizations cannot afford to ignore consumers in 2019, as a number of major trends shape the future of care...
PAD Paclitaxel Stent Safety Is Again Thrown Into Question
Medtronic says the revised analysis still supports earlier conclusions that there was no statistically significant difference in all-cause mortality between...
ACOs Saving Medicare Money, but MedPAC Sees Need for Changes
The commission found that spending on ACO beneficiaries was about 1.2% below the benchmarks set in 2017, but they questioned...