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Revenue Cycle
When Choosing AI for RCM, Is In-House Better Than Outsourced?
Does it really matter who develops the solution as long as it gets the job done? Let?s weigh the pros...
Revenue Cycle
3 Stories That Show How Patient Portals Simplify Billing, Collections
The less time spent in accounts receivable, the sooner the payment becomes part of a provider?s cash flow.
Revenue Cycle
Making the Most of AI in RCM: ROI, Results, and Resolve
Return on investment doesn't just have to impact revenue.
Revenue Cycle
Providers Are Putting New Emphasis on the Patient's Financial Responsibility
Patients are becoming responsible for more of their healthcare costs. And that?s driving hospitals and health systems to put more...
Revenue Cycle
Hospital Margins Stabilizing, But Don't Let Up On Cost Containment
Calendar year to date margins have remained slightly above 4% since February 2024.
Revenue Cycle
HL Shorts: Provider AI vs. Payer AI
"[Payers] know that the hospitals don't have the resources to catch and appeal everything."
Revenue Cycle
How Rev Cycle Leaders Leverage Automated Prior Auth Solutions
Payer updates and policy changes delay reimbursement; Leaders say automated solutions can help fight back.
Revenue Cycle
Nonprofit Hospitals' Cash Flow is Crunched. Can Leaders Right The Ship?
A new report illustrates a widening financial gap between top performing and struggling providers.
Revenue Cycle
States Are Tackling Prior Authorization Reform
While progress at the federal level is slow, state legislatures are passing bills aimed at improving the prior authorizations process...
Revenue Cycle
Great Plains Hospitals' Profit Margins Lag Behind Other Regions
Hospitals in both the Midwest and Northeast saw an operating margin of 15%.
Revenue Cycle
Using AI in Rev Tech and Finance: Watch the Misconceptions
Seth Katz of University Health KC says healthcare organizations should train staff to take charge of their AI programs and...
Infographic: The CFO Recession Playbook
Are CFOs prepped with their best strategies in case of a recession?