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How Upcoming Finance Execs Can Combat Imposter Syndrome
As new CFOs step into their roles, how can they forge a leadership mindset?
Infographic: 10 Self Care Tips for Nurses
Here are some ways nurses can take care of themselves, says this nurse educator.
Infographic: Suicide in Nursing, Facts & Figures
Nurses are at high risk for death by suicide, according to these studies.
Are Healthcare Leaders Getting Their AI Priorities Straight?
A recent HIMSS forum in Boston highlighted the challenges?some new, some expected-- faced by healthcare executives in managing AI adoption.
Contributed Content: Will AI Change the Outlook for Primary Care?
Primary care providers are struggling. Can augmented intelligence tools give them the support they need to enjoy healthcare again?
Using AI to Address Nursing's Biggest Pain Points
During a recent HealthLeaders AI NOW panel, nursing leaders said the technology can help improve patient handoffs and scheduling.
How CEOs Can Combat Stress, Burnout Among Younger Workers
For young clinicians, the emotional toll of discrimination in work settings can be significant.
Infographic: 5 Fast Facts On Healthcare Ransomware Attacks
The healthcare industry is a prime target for ransomware attacks.
Humana Expands Prior Auth. Partnership With Cohere Health
The platform is giving physicians faith in quick prior authorization turnaround.
Infographic: 4 Areas Where AI Is Impacting Health Systems
From diagnosis to administration, AI is already helping.
Contributed Content: EHR Integration Is a Must For AI in HealthCare
The technology won?t be valuable if it isn?t interoperable
Study: Ambient AI Scribes Are Good, But Not Yet Ready for Prime Time
A Kaiser Permanente study of ambient AI scribes used to capture doctor?s notes and enter data into the EHR finds...