Nurses should lead innovation so that it happens with them, not to them, says this CNE.
It’s an exciting time for innovation in the healthcare space, as new technologies pop up across the industry that can improve care delivery.
Health systems everywhere are experimenting with several new innovations, all with the goal of streamlining processes and removing unnecessary burdens from nurses and physicians alike.
Gail Vozzella, senior vice president and chief nurse executive at Houston Methodist, said nurses should get involved with innovation and leaders must use their seat at the table to advocate for nursing technology.
Here are the four reasons nurses should lead innovation, according to Vozzella.
Click here to read the full article.
G Hatfield is the CNO editor for HealthLeaders.
CNOs should use their seat at the table to advocate for new and innovative nursing technology.
Nurses should lead innovation because they give direct feedback, they understand the “why,” and they can help spread new initiatives quickly.