Results will be compiled into a digest of successful strategies to effectively improve the work setting and support nurse leaders.
A collaboration that developed more than 10 years ago between a nursing school dean and chief nurse of the university’s hospital is the kind of best practice that can benefit nurse leaders, according to the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).
AONL has issued a large-scale, first-of-its-kind call for such best practices and innovations to become part of a growing compendium of resources for nurse leaders to address key nursing workforce issues by focusing on what has worked and can be used to facilitate changes in other organizations.
AONL and the AONL Workforce Committee are calling on nurse leaders to share their examples and scenarios, with an emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging examples, in seven key workforce areas:
- Frontline nurse leader recruitment and retention
- Talent acquisition and attraction
- Leadership
- Compensation and benefits
- Academic-clinical partnerships
- Positive practice environment
- Culture of inquiry
The dean-chief nurse partnership, which occurred with the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Nursing and the UK HealthCare nursing division, is a prime example of the scenarios AONL is seeking.
Goals of the UK academic-clinical collaboration were to be more purposeful in student selection; increase hiring of graduates into the health system; increase scholarly work in the health system; and expand the availability of clinical instruction, including student class size.
In building the collaboration, they found that one of the most important tenets of an academic medical center is the strong trans-disciplinary collaboration and the ability to engage in evidence-based practice. They also found that partnerships are essential to ensure a clinically competent workforce.
“This exemplar of a workforce best practice can serve as a guide for the development and refine of other academic-clinical partnerships across the nation,” AONL said in a statement.
AONL’s workforce committee and subcommittees, under the leadership of Deb Zimmerman DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN and Claire Zangerle, DNP, RN, FAONL, FAAN, will evaluate submitted best practices and innovations, structure recommendations, including models of care delivery, and leadership responsibility and education for each of the seven topic areas.
The compendium, to be released in three sections starting in October 2022, will highlight real-life scenarios and stories from front-line leaders, AONL says. It will go beyond published literature and focus on successful strategies used to effectively improve the work setting and support nurse leaders.
AONL is asking its members to have initial submissions for consideration in by August 31. They will, however, be collecting best practices on an ongoing basis to keep the resources updated.
For inquiries, contact Ronda Hughes at
Carol Davis is the Nursing Editor at HealthLeaders, an HCPro brand.
AONL has issued a large-scale, first-of-its-kind call for nurse leaders' best practices and innovations in seven workforce areas.
Submissions with an emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are encouraged.
The compendium will be released in three sections starting in October 2022.