Auditors blame CMS for failing to establish a data-sharing agreement with the VA.
Medicare overpaid providers about $128 million over five years for medical care that the Veterans Administration had already paid for, federal watchdogs report.
The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General determined that the "duplicate payments occurred because the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services did not implement controls to address duplicate payments for services provided to individuals with Medicare and VHA benefits."
"Specifically, CMS did not establish a data-sharing agreement with VHA for the ongoing sharing of data between the two agencies and did not develop an interagency process to include VHA enrollment, claims, and payment data in CMS's data repository," OIG says. "Inclusion of these data, which is required by federal law, would have allowed CMS to compare VHA claims data with existing Medicare claims data to identify duplicate claims paid for by both Medicare and VHA."
The audit covered $19.2 billion in Medicare Parts A and B payments for 36.3 million claims for Medicare and VHA benefits that received services from VA's community providers between January 2017 and December 2021. The auditors compared claims data from the VA and Medicare to match payments that had been claimed in both datasets.
"Because CMS did not develop an interagency process, CMS did not establish an internal process (such as claims processing system edits) to address duplicate payments for medical services authorized and paid for by VHA. Furthermore, CMS guidance to providers on VA’s responsibility to pay for medical services did not clarify that a provider should not bill Medicare for a medical service that was authorized by VHA," OIG says.
CMS Agrees
The OIG recommends that CMS: Create a data-sharing agreement with VHA; Build an interagency process to integrate VHA enrollment, claims, and payment data into the CMS Integrated Data Repository to identify pMedicare otential fraud, waste, and abuse under the Medicare; and establish an internal process to address duplicate payments made by Medicare for medical services authorized and paid for by VHA; and issue guidance to providers on not billing Medicare for a medical service that was authorized by VHA.
CMS agreed with the recommendations and said it was taking up the recommendations.
“CMS did not establish a data-sharing agreement with VHA for the ongoing sharing of data between the two agencies and did not develop an interagency process to include VHA enrollment, claims, and payment data in CMS's data repository.”
John Commins is the news editor for HealthLeaders.
The audit covered $19.2 billion in Medicare Parts A and B payments for 36.3 million claims for Medicare beneficiaries who also got care from VA community providers.
The auditors compared claims data from the VA and Medicare to match payments that had been claimed in both datasets between 2017 and 2021.
CMS agreed with the OIG recommendations, including a call for the creation of a data-sharing agreement with VHA.