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'Focus on Senior Staff Retention': How CNOs Can Mentor and Support Nurses

Analysis  |  By G Hatfield  
   October 04, 2024

The expectations of nursing have changed drastically in recent years, and CNOs need to pivot their strategies to sustain their workforce.

HealthLeaders spoke to Melanie Heuston, chief nurse executive at WVU Medicine and HealthLeaders Exchange member, about how CNOs can keep up with changing workforce expectations and support their nurses. Tune in to hear her insights. 

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G Hatfield is the CNO editor for HealthLeaders.


New graduate nurses are leaving for a variety of reasons, and their expectations of nursing have shifted to include new technologies and more support from nurse managers.

CNOs should recognize tenured nurses who train other nurses for their work, and provide incentives and rewards for continuing to train new nurses.

CNOs must find innovative ways to provide support and resources to new nurses to help them be resilient, while also improving the work environment.

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