Finding Rehab Success: Key Benefits of Partnership

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Kindred Hospital Rehabilitation Services

The current strain on America’s health system has led many healthcare providers to seek partnership from dedicated experts. This is especially true for rehabilitation. Finding greater expertise and support through a joint-venture or acute rehabilitation management can result in enhanced quality outcomes, cost savings, and high demand service line optimization.

Read this guide to discover how finding rehab partnership through a joint-venture or unit management can support healthcare providers, the key qualities to look for in a partner and the top questions to ask a potential partner.

Ongoing Challenges and the Need for Innovative Solutions Within the Infusion Pump Market

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B Braun

Intravenous (IV) infusion pumps are ubiquitously used and relied upon within the healthcare system to provide potentially lifesaving patient support through the administration of critical fluids. Patient safety and usability challenges associated with infusion pumps have resulted in numerous FDA recalls over the past two decades, underscoring the importance of evaluating, understanding, and correcting sources of error to avoid adverse patient outcomes. 

The following whitepaper describes a six-year analysis of infusion pump failure reporting among leading manufacturers to help expand understanding of the issues that continue to compromise infusion pump safety.

Download now to better understand the challenges facing the infusion pump market and advancements driving innovation and quality improvement within the industry. 

Cyber Risk Aggregation in Healthcare

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Cyber risk aggregation arises both internally and externally in organizations, and has a multiplier effect on the scale and scope of a cyber incident. As healthcare organizations rely increasingly on data, connectivity, and outside services to support their business platforms, a single cyber incident has the potential to impact more of the organization, and a greater number of its peers, partners, and vendors (all of them likely cyber insureds), with resulting aggregated exposure to cyber insurers and reinsurers.

The risk to individual healthcare organizations is that they suffer larger losses than would otherwise be the case, and the risk to cyber insurers is that they suffer losses from the same incident under multiple policies without having correctly priced that risk or managed their capacity in light of that aggregation risk. Ultimately, both are a concern to risk managers looking to manage their exposures and secure stability.

Within the organization, aggregation can arise from a lack of segregation of data and systems—for example, centralizing too much data in one depository or allowing one individual too much access to data by not implementing access controls based on need. In both cases, a single event has the potential to affect more data than necessary for the good running of the business.

As healthcare has experienced an explosion of ransomware attacks in recent years, we see clearly that organizations that segregate data and systems are more likely to deny intruders access to all their resources, helping to stem the attack and get the organization back up and running faster.

This whitepaper will outline the new vulnerabilities for healthcare organizations and will help you learn how to manage this evolving risk.

Modern Cost Accounting: Integrating Data from Institutional Facilities and Healthcare Providers

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Learn more about the challenges of combining institutional and professional data and the opportunities that a robust cost accounting and decision support software solution can bring, including:

  • Industry changes and trends impacting healthcare cost accounting
  • Common data and systems features
  • Special considerations needed for institutional billing and reimbursement
  • Differences seen in professional service billing and reimbursement
  • Professional data planning and cost accounting considerations

Understanding costs at the patient level has never been more important, but much of that data is trapped in systems outside the hospital — such as practice management systems.

A robust cost accounting and decision support software solution can incorporate data from multiple disparate systems, connecting health systems to a more complete picture of their costs. This is key to lowering costs, effective participation in alternative payment plans, and contract negotiations with payers.
