Value Analysis Guide, Third Edition

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Set a course for your value analysis program.

Changes abound in healthcare at a seemingly faster pace each passing day. Healthcare providers are asked to do more with less. Physicians are asked to adapt to new economics and quality scrutiny. Vendors are asked to forge stronger, more creative relationships with hospitals. All must combine efforts to ensure the best quality care for the patients at a price they are willing to pay.

Under this backdrop, value analysis plays a more critical role than ever before to improve quality of care while reducing cost of care. Using this model, health systems are able to make supply chain decisions across the enterprise for the betterment of patient care and the organization as a whole.

To help you on your value analysis journey, Premier has published the third edition of the Value Analysis Guide. It's designed to help you set a course for your value analysis program.

Download Premier’s Value Analysis Guide, Third Edition to discover how to develop a strong, structured value analysis process as a strategic tool.

Win the Talent War: A Proactive Approach to Addressing Turnover Costs in the Healthcare Industry

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Armada Care

Turnover is expensive, especially in today’s tight job market. But you can gain control of these costs with a proactive approach to retaining and recruiting talent. 

Access this white paper to learn how to win the talent war in the healthcare industry.

Reducing Alarm Fatigue: The Essential Guide for Hospitals

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In a recent study of more than 1,200 clinicians, 87 percent say that alarms for non-actionable, irrelevant issues “occur frequently,” a jump of more than 10 percent in five years. The problem will only keep growing as monitoring devices proliferate. Here’s how to make alarm management a priority, to protect patient safety and mitigate provider burnout.

Download the free report to uncover insights on the latest alarm surveillance technology as well as eight steps to a successful alarm management improvement process.

Why Healthcare Organizations Prefer Independent Peer Review

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Physicians Review Organization

Recent media coverage has put the spotlight on egregious cases in which physicians were negligent in meeting basic care standards, including one health plan medical director who failed to actually review patient medical records when making claims decisions—yet, an internal review process at that health plan found nothing amiss. As these cases make the daily headlines, they illustrate why independent peer review often is a better option than relying on internal peer review processes.

Download this whitepaper to learn more, including 4 key advantages to independent peer review.

5 Opportunities to Improve Your Practice Efficiency and Revenue in 2019

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Change Healthcare

Revenue Performance Advisor. One solution can do a lot for your practice. Your staff needs timely information, visibility into the revenue cycle, and advanced tools to make your practice run efficiently. See how Revenue Performance Advisor can help you overcome five common challenges to increase both revenue and patient satisfaction.

Download this e-guide on how to automate time-consuming, error-prone, manual processes and reap end-to-end improvements within your physician practice.

The Cost of Not Having Healthcare CRM

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Healthcare organizations have a lot in common. They’re all concerned about getting and keeping patients. They’re all focused on finding new and more effective ways to connect with patients – current and potential. And they’re all worried about whether or not their marketing efforts are having an impact.

What they don’t all have in common is a strong customer relationship management (CRM) system to underpin their efforts. In fact, some don’t have a CRM system at all. CRM systems are nothing new — but their capabilities have changed immensely. More importantly, this white paper makes the case that CRM systems are not an expense, but an investment. An investment in both capturing and keeping patients.

The Cost of Not Having Healthcare CRM provides insight into:

  • Why healthcare CRM adoption is accelerating
  • The benefits of CRM for healthcare organizations
  • The opportunity cost of not having CRM
  • Patient acquisition and retention opportunities with CRM
  • Common questions health systems have about CRM

Learn more about how investing in CRM can help you capture your share of the growing healthcare market – access the new white paper.
