Transform the Emergency Department (ED) with Three Innovations

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Leading hospitals are improving patient care quality and ED patient experience while relieving overcrowding.

Innovation and transformation do not just happen. To improve the way acute care is delivered, high-performing EDs are turning to a new approach that employs three innovative solutions:

  • Telehealth: Expand service offerings by making specialists available via telehealth platforms
  • Integrated Teams: Increase throughput efficiency by integrating emergency and hospital medicine teams
  • Urgent and Teleurgent Care: Relieve pressure on the ED by directing patients with less severe conditions to urgent or teleurgent care services

Creating a Connected Point of Care Ecosystem

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In March 2019, HealthLeaders conducted a survey to our leadership audience on the Fully Connected Point of Care Ecosystem. With over 100 responses collected, two goals became clear: optimizing workflow efficiencies and providing a greater patient experience. But that wasn’t all.

In the latest Custom Research Brief, we spoke to Dr. Tom Schwieterman and Matt Bourne from Midmark Corporation about the issues they see healthcare organizations facing and strategies they can implement to overcome the obstacles in front of them.

Report takeaways:

  • Why a fully connected point of care ecosystem matters
  • Embrace the power of technology across the ecosystem
  • Achieve better connectivity at the point of care

Download the report today to learn more!

2019 Healthcare Management Liability Coverage Guide

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From hospitals and ambulatory care centers, to senior living facilities, physician networks, clinics and labs, a full spectrum of healthcare industry participants benefited immensely from new technological advancements—in both the administration and documentation of care. But with a rapid increase in vertical integration and M&A activity, coupled with an evermore complicated regulatory environment, participants now find themselves facing a greater complexity and diversity of liability risks. This environment is further complicated by an increasing shortage of qualified workers as the industry struggles to keep up with increased demand—all while maintaining the highest standards for patient safety and quality of care.

Recent increases in class actions, ethical and harassment-related complaints, as well as a changing social media, technology and cultural environment make it more challenging than ever to prepare for tomorrow’s risks with a properly planned response.

Liability exposures facing most healthcare organizations do not discriminate based on size, revenue, intention or location. In the healthcare industry, managing the countless risks associated with delivering superior patient care requires all of your time and attention. This paper outlines the management liability landscape for the healthcare industry, as well as best practices and industry-leading solutions for mitigating those risks.

Downloading this guide will help you:

  • Understand the current regulatory environment and anticipate challenges you could potentially face in the future.
  • Create a holistic strategy designed to remove exposures and minimize your level of management liability risk.
  • Enact the right policies to protect your organization from costly and lengthy litigation that could result in significant penalties.

The Lifetime Value of Patient Loyalty: Transcending episodic patient satisfaction

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SCP Health

Patient satisfaction is currently treated as one proxy for the quality of care a patient receives. While satisfaction scores undoubtedly help gauge the experience of a single episode of care, they ultimately fall short of a larger, more important goal: to get patients to see the health system and its providers in a spirit of long-term partnership and collaboration.

In this white paper, we help provider organizations understand the benefits of expanding their vision of the patient experience from a singular or episodic view to a lifetime view of healthcare and partnership.

Evaluating Your CBO Strategy: A 3-Step Guide for Healthcare Providers

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In response to continued margin pressure, many healthcare leaders are focusing on fundamental billing practices to accelerate revenue and reduce cost by optimizing revenue cycle operations across the enterprise. Advanced organizations achieving enterprise-wide visibility to a combined patient statement using a single platform and gold-standard processes for hospital and ambulatory billing. This model is often referred to as a combined business office (CBO).

This e-book, titled "Evaluating Your CBO Strategy: A 3-Step Guide for Healthcare Providers," offers an in-depth look at the stages of CBO models healthcare organizations can use to improve financial performance, and provides executive insights on how to most effectively implement such a model.

In this e-book, readers will learn how to:
•    Evaluate which CBO model is right for their organization
•    Navigate common challenges associated with implementing a CBO model
•    Maximize the benefits of a CBO to reduce the cost to collect and improve the patient financial experience

The Speed of Transformation: Preparing for the Payment Models of Tomorrow

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The transition to value-based care is accelerating faster than ever, but preparing your organization for this kind of tectonic shift isn’t easy. It requires early investment and shrewd planning to assess the risk, finance the transition and reward caregivers, not to mention an organization-wide commitment to reshaping culture, and a single-minded focus on delivering quality care. The market is already moving, and the onus is on payers and provider organizations to keep up.

Download the new free whitepaper, The speed of transformation: Preparing for the payment models of tomorrow, and identify 3 key areas to help fast-track your organization’s planning for value-based care.
