Gain Better Visibility and Control over Your Revenue Cycle

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Change Healthcare

Physicians continue to be faced with challenges that contribute to unpaid claims, unnecessary denials, workflow inefficiencies, and rework efforts.

Download this free report to learn how a implementing few key strategies can help physicians accelerate reimbursement, sustain a healthy revenue cycle, and enhance the patient experience.

Children’s Hospital of Orange County uses Spend Analytics for Supply Chain Savings

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Learn how Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) uses comparative spend analytics to shorten negotiation cycles and achieve significant cost savings on med/surg supplies.

Build the Business Case for AI in Healthcare

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Olive AI

As Artificial Intelligence and automation continue to transform healthcare and the ways we work, many organizations have a growing interest in understanding what these technologies can do for them. From solving your staff turnover problem, to containing costs and optimizing revenue, AI has many potential benefits.

Going from understanding such a broad set of technologies and their benefits, however, to developing real-world action plans optimized for your use case can be a monumental task.

Download our white paper to learn how to prioritize, quantify, and qualify business processes for automation to meet your short and long term goals.

ProcedureProfiler® Helps Reduce Costs and Improve Protocols for Saint Luke’s Health System

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Download our free report to uncover how St. Luke’s Health System used BroadJump’s procedure analytics application to integrate supply chain with clinical practice and realize $1.6 million in savings.

Connecting Supply Chain with Clinical Practice: A How-to Guide

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Download our free report to uncover how to use data analytics to achieve cohesion across the supply chain and clinical practice in order to reduce procedure variation and implement best practices.

Motivating Healthcare Employees Across Generations

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With so many generations in the healthcare workforce—each with a unique set of experiences and expectations, as well as stage-of-life needs—it can be daunting for healthcare leaders to find the total rewards combination that offers the greatest satisfaction and impact.

By helping healthcare leaders better understand what motivates and matters to their teams, Gallagher offers insights into the “secret formula” that can help provide a fair and equitable total rewards strategy that isn’t an enigma.

Access our 10-page ebook to uncover the life stages of generational workers from Boomers to Milennials to Gen. Z.
