Why Successful Organizations Are Building Virtual Hospitals

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A recent HealthLeaders Buzz Survey revealed that the shift to telemedicine is picking up pace. According to the survey, which polled 107 senior-level healthcare leaders, 58% of respondents say their organizations have already invested in a telemedicine solution and 22% plan to do so within two years.

With such emphasis in today’s landscape of lowering costs, growing top line revenue, and improving patient satisfaction, HealthLeaders sat down with Lee Holmes, CEO, Imperial Health and Bret Larsen, founder and CEO, eVisit to discuss these trends and other findings from the research.

Download the latest Custom Research Brief today to learn more!

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify trends in telemedicine across healthcare organizations of all sizes
  • Pinpoint potential obstacles to adoption in your organization and how to address them
  • Develop a plan for a successful virtual care strategy implementation

Honing Soft Skills

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Integrated Healthcare Strategies

For years, the image of the tough, reserved leader has pervaded healthcare, as it has in other industries. But in an environment where organizational processes and cultures are constantly evolving and merging—it is not this rigid archetype that has proven successful. Rather, those with greater emotional intelligence often lead more effectively.

Download this whitepaper report to examine how a leader who is trusted, authentic and self-aware can promote organizational wellbeing.

Community Health: Five Essential Strategies for Building Sustainability and Autonomy

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In the dynamic and every-changing world of healthcare delivery, independent hospitals are forced into making difficult decisions about their future. This is especially true for locations based in rural communities where access to care, tight margins, and government regulations all play a vital role in success or failure. Though at times the future may look bleak for such facilities, there is hope!
Recently, Benjamin Anderson, MBA, CEO of Kearny County Hospital, a 25-bed critical access hospital in Lakin, Kansas went into detail about how his organization has been able to not only survive but thrive under these conditions.

Download our newest whitepaper as we review the 5 essential strategies rural hospitals should consider as they build loyalty, sustainability, and secure their autonomy.

Physical Infrastructure: Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage

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In a hyperconnected world, your physical network and electrical infrastructure plays a more vital role than ever in your organization’s ability to maximize operational, financial and environmental efficiencies. But it can be difficult to know if your infrastructure is a strategic asset or a liability to your success.

In this ebook, we encourage businesses leaders across your organization to inspect, investigate and inquire the physical network and electrical infrastructure used in your business today, to help you unleash new possibilities that lead to a more profitable future.

You’ll learn about the various threats to underperforming network and electrical infrastructure, and how to locate them within your operation. Whether it’s in industrial construction/MRO, OEM operations, enterprise networks, data centers or industrial networks we’ll expose the most common threats to a business’s success and what you can do to address potential issues. Additionally, you’ll discover the latest technology advancements, trends, and new initiatives key to future proofing your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Wake Up to the Facts About Fatigue eBook

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Nurse fatigue hurts employee morale and impacts patient safety. Kronos scheduling and staffing solutions reduce fatigue and create safe, balanced workloads.

Find out how the Kronos solutions can help manage nurse fatigue, improving employee morale and retention and patient care.

When nurses are tired, quality care suffers. Kronos staffing and scheduling solutions help protect your nurses, patients, and organization from the impacts of nurse fatigue.

  • 93% of nurses report that at the end of a typical day, they are mentally and/or physically tired
  • 37% of nurses say they worry about making a mistake
  • 44% of nurses worry their patient care will suffer because they are so tired

Download this free ebook to learn how nurses employed in a U.S.-based hospital setting responded to a survey about fatigue, and how Kronos solutions can help manage fatigue at your organization

Collective Medical Helps Hospitals Improve Readmission Rates

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Collective Medical

Helping Hospitals Reduce Readmission Rates

Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center (LSC) needed to reduce its readmission rates. With the help of care collaboration technology, LSC physicians and staff were able to both track and prevent patient readmissions—getting their patients out of the hospital and back into the comfort of their own homes.

Through the real-time, relevant, patient insights provided by Collective Medical, LSC is connected to a nationwide network that has proved invaluable to optimizing ED utilization. With a better understanding of each patient, staff at LSC are able to identify patients at risk for readmissions and take preventative measures to ensure smoother transitions of care post-discharge—ultimately resulting in:

  • A 24.9 percent reduction in the all-cause 30-day readmissions rate
  • An 81 percent reduction in the overall ED visit rate
  • A reduction of visits from patients with high ED utilization patterns.

Download the free whitepaper to learn more!
