Overcoming the challenges of simultaneously optimizing and supporting your EMR

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Saint Luke's Health System faced a common challenge--how to simultaneously support and optimize its new EMR system without adding headcount or increasing costs. HCTec developed a strategy to do so while saving the hospital $20 million.

The Realities of Patient Payments

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The shift to high deductible health plans (HDHPs) has transformed an already complex payer reimbursement burden onto the shoulders of consumers who are unprepared to bear it. Consumers, on the one hand, need increased support to understand their bills and figure out how to pay them.

On the other hand, patients with more skin in the game are becoming more demanding about the quality of the customer experience for which they are now paying a high price. These changes necessitate a new patient payments model that focuses on delivering convenience and clear communication to patients,
to drive both quicker payments and more patient loyalty.

Revenue Leakage in Hospitals and Health Systems: What are You Missing?

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Revenue leakage – those lost opportunities to collect money earned – has been a topic of conversation in healthcare for years. Granted, revenue leakage is a moving target, thanks to healthcare reform, constantly changing payer rules and disparate technology advancements. This pervasive problem, however, continues to tighten the squeeze on already compressed margins.

There are no easy answers, but there is tremendous upside to once-and-for-all finding and fixing current revenue leakage root causes and preventing new sources in the future. After all, McKinsey & Company estimates revenue cycle inefficiencies including claims processing, payments, billing and bad debt – among the leakage sources explored in this paper – eat up 15 cents of every healthcare dollar.

How Holston Medical Group Championed a Patient-centered, Data-driven Approach to Care

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This study showcases how Allscripts connectivity and data aggregation solutions, specifically the Allscripts dbMotion™ Solution, helped Holston Medical Group become one of the top performing ACOs in the US with $40 million in shared savings and more than $7 million in value-based payments. Holston achieved these results by using a solution that enables secure, safe and actionable access to information across the continuum.

The Role of Centralized Care Management in Value-based Care

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As healthcare in the United States migrates to value-based care models, health systems and the practices with which they contract must evolve into sophisticated care management organizations with population health capabilities.

They must learn to use care management methods that have historically resided with payers, from the standardization of clinical pathways to the control of costs. But how will health systems achieve payer-like care management without burdening care teams with nonclinical work and compromising the quality of the doctor-patient relationship? Better yet, how can physicians leverage the familiarity and trust they have with patients to exceed the past performance of health plans?

Download this free white paper to learn how centralized care management can ease this transition.

Optimizing Mobile Development Strategy

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Incorporating mobile devices into standard clinical communication workflows can be an arduous process. Download this white paper to understand all the considerations for developing an effective and successful mobile device strategy.
