How Today's M&As are Preparing Healthcare Organizations for a New Future

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In the face of seismic industry shifts, challenging regulations, and constant uncertainty in Washington, providers are reshaping the healthcare landscape themselves by entering into strategic mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.

Download this free report to learn the benefits of integration and how providers are structuring today's complex M&As.

Beyond Healthcare CRM: Changing the Paradigm of Patient Communication

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Healthgrades has teamed up with Gartner to bring you “Beyond Healthcare CRM: Changing the Paradigm of Patient Communication.” Full of rich insights backed with rigorous and detailed research, this report will be of major interest to health system CIOs and other executives who understand that engaging and influencing consumers is essential for any healthcare provider that wants to succeed and grow.

Gartner’s research around how providers can best meet consumer health needs has led to concrete, actionable recommendations for CIOs. These include creating a vision for mass personalization for patients and consumers, researching other industries to leverage their knowledge, and providing executive teams with an IT architectural vision.

Find out more on how to take care to the next level and change the conversation.

Unintended consequences of nurse scheduling

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Five leading indicators, either individually or collectively, provide the best insight into whether or not an organization’s scheduling tools and processes are helping or hindering how clinicians manage costs and effectively care for patients. 

The Changing Financial Relationship Between Hospitals and Patients

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As the pendulum shifts from fee-for-service to value-based care, and from payer reimbursements to patient payments, healthcare executives are refocusing their efforts on “optimizing” financial performance. Such is the finding of a recent survey by Connance and Porter Research.

Senior revenue cycle executives across the country were asked to rank their top pain points and the steps they are taking to address them. The survey results and analyis are revealed in this whitepaper. 

Download now to learn what organizations like yours are doing to ensure financial stability and success for the long term.

Connect the Dots: Nursing 3 Ways to Enhance Workflows for Nurses With an Enterprise Healthcare Communications Platform

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Nurses are essential partners on interdisciplinary healthcare teams, and must juggle even more competing priorities, on top of their highest: spending as much time as possible with their patients. This is where technology can help make an important impact, in the form of an enterprise healthcare communications platform.  Most nurses are dissatisfied with their current communication methods. The right technology, such as Spok Care Connect®, can offer innovative options to help nurses manage competing priorities and afford more time with patients at the bedside.

This eBrief will explore several communication strategies, including use case examples, that demonstrate how technology can provide the right tools to optimize nursing workflows and patient care.

Staffing to Your Demand: A Guide to Increased Filled Rates

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Healthcare employment is expected to grow 26 percent by 2022 — much faster than other industries. So why has the gap been widening? In today’s healthcare industry, there are more job openings than many other industries as baby
boomers retire and settle down with their families.

Since the healthcare industry is rapidly growing, it would seem like filling open positions would be easy. However, many hospitals and clinics struggle to fill open shifts because they are not implementing the right strategies.

In this pursuit to meet the changing demand of healthcare, it is necessary to keep filling open positions. Download this free eBook to guide you in key workforce strategies to streamline the process across your organization.
