How Holston Medical Group Championed a Patient-centered, Data-driven Approach to Care
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September 29, 2017
This study showcases how Allscripts connectivity and data aggregation solutions, specifically the Allscripts dbMotion™ Solution, helped Holston Medical Group become one of the top performing ACOs in the US with $40 million in shared savings and more than $7 million in value-based payments. Holston achieved these results by using a solution that enables secure, safe and actionable access to information across the continuum.
The Role of Centralized Care Management in Value-based Care
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September 11, 2017
As healthcare in the United States migrates to value-based care models, health systems and the practices with which they contract must evolve into sophisticated care management organizations with population health capabilities.
They must learn to use care management methods that have historically resided with payers, from the standardization of clinical pathways to the control of costs. But how will health systems achieve payer-like care management without burdening care teams with nonclinical work and compromising the quality of the doctor-patient relationship? Better yet, how can physicians leverage the familiarity and trust they have with patients to exceed the past performance of health plans?
Download this free white paper to learn how centralized care management can ease this transition.
Incorporating mobile devices into standard clinical communication workflows can be an arduous process. Download this white paper to understand all the considerations for developing an effective and successful mobile device strategy.
How Today's M&As are Preparing Healthcare Organizations for a New Future
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Bank of America Merrill Lynch
August 30, 2017
In the face of seismic industry shifts, challenging regulations, and constant uncertainty in Washington, providers are reshaping the healthcare landscape themselves by entering into strategic mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.
Download this free report to learn the benefits of integration and how providers are structuring today's complex M&As.
Beyond Healthcare CRM: Changing the Paradigm of Patient Communication
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August 15, 2017
Healthgrades has teamed up with Gartner to bring you “Beyond Healthcare CRM: Changing the Paradigm of Patient Communication.” Full of rich insights backed with rigorous and detailed research, this report will be of major interest to health system CIOs and other executives who understand that engaging and influencing consumers is essential for any healthcare provider that wants to succeed and grow.
Gartner’s research around how providers can best meet consumer health needs has led to concrete, actionable recommendations for CIOs. These include creating a vision for mass personalization for patients and consumers, researching other industries to leverage their knowledge, and providing executive teams with an IT architectural vision.
Find out more on how to take care to the next level and change the conversation.
Five leading indicators, either individually or collectively, provide the best insight into whether or not an organization’s scheduling tools and processes are helping or hindering how clinicians manage costs and effectively care for patients.